The cycle lane on Newcastle’s Great North Road is segregated and protected using Rosehill Highways’ Narrow Cycle Lane Defenders. Installed in continuous sections, our Narrow Cycle Lane Defenders replicate kerb height and reduce the likelihood of vehicle ingress while...
Our solid rubber RI-2000 Pedestrian Refuge was the perfect solution for Northumberland County Council at this busy road junction close to a medical centre and park. Available in a wide range of sizes and finishes, Rosehill Highways’ pedestrian refuges are designed to...
Sometimes a road is too narrow to fit three speed cushions across the carriageway, but wide enough that installing two cushions leaves room for smaller vehicles to manoeuvre around them. To overcome this, on Prince Charlie Street in Oldham, a series of our one-piece...
In Jacobadijk on the Dutch Zeeland coast, our solid rubber Lane Separators are being used to create a traffic calming chicane on approach to a junction. Each solid rubber Lane Separator saves 48.3kg of carbon emissions, using recycled tyre rubber to create robust and...
Newtownpark Avenue on the outskirts of Dublin is home to protected cycle lanes created using our solid rubber Narrow Cycle Lane Defenders. Installed as single units, triple units, and in continuous unbroken sections, they provide unrivalled flexibility for cycle lane...
Here’s a recent photo from Kingsley Road in Liverpool, where our solid rubber Traffic Islands and Cycle Lane Defenders have been installed to create a new low traffic neighbourhood, complete with protected cycle lanes, restricted one-way vehicular access, and a 20mph...
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